LEARN – Shots to basket: Hook shot and Jump shot.


  1. The feet have to be at the height of the shoulders with semiflexed knees, it is necessary to look for the basket looking over the shoulder in the direction in which it is going to turn to throw. The ideal would be to make a feint with the ball in the opposite direction to the one that is going to be thrown. The shooting hand has to be under the ball, the elbow aligned with the hip, the ball back protected by head and shoulders.
  2. Lift the ball. Elbow extended, wrist and elbows flexed by pushing the ball with the index finger, the hand that is going to throw has to move away from the body and the other has to rise slightly to protect. It is necessary to place the throwing hand which is the furthest away from the defender at the height of the opposite shoulder. After this we proceed to pivot on one foot and to turn the body towards the basket raised the knee on the side of shooting and jumping on the pivot foot. At the time of throwing the ball, it has to be lifted towards the basket with a hook movement. It is very important to flex the wrist and fingers when launching and pushing the ball with the index finger
  3. Fall bending your knees and get ready for a posible bounce in case of failure.

Resultado de imagen de hook shot

Image extracted from: https://lakers.newssurge.com/gallery/v/kobe-bryant/Kobe+Bryant+attempts+a+hook+shot+over+Landry+Fields.


  1. Feet separated at a height of the shoulders, straight tops of the feet with the knees semiflexionadas, the hand of balance under ball, hand of shot behind the ball, the elbow inside and the ball placed between the ear and the shoulder. Looking at basket.
  2. To jump and later to throw, the jump height depends on the distance, to extend legs and shoulders, to extend the elbow, flexionar wrists and fingers towards ahead, to stimulate the ball with forefinger, hand of balance in the ball up to giving up it, the pace has to be a uniform, logically looking at basket.
  3. To support the widespread arm, forefinger pointing at the basket, palm of the hand of shot down(downwards), the palm of the hand of balance up, looking at the basket and falling down of the as balanced as possible form

Resultado de imagen de jumpshot basketball

Image extracted from: http://www.stack.com/a/improve-your-jump-shot.

LEARN – Shots to basket

Information extracted from: https://educacionfisicaigna.blogspot.com.es/2013/03/tipos-de-tiros-canasta.html#.WvsBNaqFPIU.

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